Hep C

Hepatitis C (HCV) is a viral infection that is spread through the transmission of infected blood. Hepatitis C is spread through the sharing of needles, straws, pipes, or other equipment used to consume substances, unsterile medical, tattoo, or piercing equipment, blood transfusions prior to 1992, and, in some cases, unprotected intercourse. While there is no vaccine to protect against Hepatitis C, it is curable!

Get tested and know your status!

Click here to find Hep C testing at no cost to you!

Hepatitis and Harm Reduction Program

The Hepatitis and Harm Reduction Program works to prevent, identify, and treat cases of Hepatitis C by providing client-centered services and care in a culturally respectful manner.  

  • Offering new and sterile substance use equipment including injection, inhalation, and smoking supplies to reduce sharing and re-use  
  • No cost testing and linkage to care for individuals who test positive for Hep C 
  • Education and resources on ways to prevent transmission and reduce other associated risks 
  • Client support in navigation of Hep C treatment and services 

Hepatitis C can be a tricky virus to catch, as people often attribute the symptoms to other illnesses. Sometimes people can have Hepatitis C for years without any symptoms or discomfort, however, chronic Hep C can lead to cirrhosis or liver cancer. Symptoms for Hepatitis C can include: 

  • Brain fog 
  • Fatigue 
  • Yellowing of the skin or eyes (jaundice) 
  • Stomach pain 
  • Joint pain 
  • Nausea 

Project HEAT

Project HEAT (Hepatitis Elimination Access to Treatment) is a program through NMHealth that allows for New Mexico residents to receive up to six months of comprehensive health coverage at no-cost. This program is for individuals who otherwise have no other access to insurance. For enrollment and/or questions, please email harm.reduction@doh.nm.gov. Qualifying circumstances for anyone considered to be uninsurable: 

  • Individuals who are in between enrollment periods.
  • Undocumented individuals who cannot access insurance.
  • Individuals who insurance plan does not cover Hepatitis C treatment.

The Facts on Treatment

  • 95% cure rate for patients who adhere to their treatment.
  • New treatments require fewer overall doctor visits compared to previous treatments.
  • New Hep C medications have few, if any, side effects for patients.
  • Patients who adhere to their treatment regimen can be cured in 8-12 weeks.
  • Treatment is safe. 

How to Prevent Hepatitis C

  • Engage in harm reduction services if using substances.
  • Don’t share personal care items such as toothbrushes or items with razors.
  • Check for sterile equipment wherever syringes or needles may be present.
  • Only get tattoos or piercings from licensed professionals using sterile equipment.
  • Practice safe and responsible sex.
smiling woman in green sweater